August Wrap Up

August Wrap Up

Well, here we are almost a third of the way into September and I’m just getting around to a wrap up for August. Life as a working mom is catching up to me these days. There are just not enough hours in the day most of the time it seems. When that happens, my time for being creative and doing projects (and especially writing about it seems to go by the wayside). Anyway, back to August…

We started out the month with Todd’s family reunion. Carter and I took a quick break in the festivities to walk around the state park it was held in and find maybe the best climbing tree ever!


My team holds a scavenger hunt at the Iowa State Fair each year. This year we also did one with some out of town co-workers and vendors. It was a warm day, but a fun one! Here’s a picture of my team for the day in the cattle barn.


I spent quite a bit of July and August helping to organize the Have a Heart 5k which raised money for local charities that support families affected by childhood cancer. One of my best friends has a daughter who was diagnosed with leukemia a year and a half ago. She’s currently doing great with her treatment! We also had a kid’s fun run at the event. I’m not sure if Carter was more excited about his 2nd place finish or his crocodile face painting.


It’s hard to believe we’re already at this point, but Carter started Kindergarten this year! He was so excited and is really enjoying it so far. I wrote a post about the Best First Day of School Printables.


Here’s Carter and Todd in his classroom the first day of school.


Todd and I went to the first Iowa Hawkeyes football game of the year and enjoyed tailgating and catching up with good friends.


I managed to try my hand at some Iowa Hawkeye Nail Art.

Iowa Hawkeye Nail Art - Using Silhouette Cameo to create nail art designs

I did manage one major project of getting my craft supplies organized in a new Urban Classic bookcase. I’m happy to say my supplies are still all in their appropriate places. Let’s hope I can keep it that way as I start to work on projects again this fall!

Urban Classic Craft Storage

I hope your September is going well. I always love this time of year with the beginning of fall weather AND new tv seasons getting ready to start. How about you, what do you look forward to with the change of seasons?


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