May Wrap Up

May Wrap Up

We had a jam packed May filled with some travel, graduations, and remembering all the fun things we like to do outside once the nice weather hits Iowa! I posted very few new projects this month. There’s a lot on my to do list, I just couldn’t muster up the motivation for things that would keep me inside during our limited free time.

The month started out with Todd and I in Palm Beach, FL. I was there for a trip for work and Todd met me down there so we could have a little mini vacation. We stayed at The Breakers hotel which was historic and beautiful! The wine cellar in one of the restaurants was nothing short of impressive, just like everything else on the property.


The weekend after we got back from our quick vacation, we attended the Central Iowa Leukemia Lymphoma Society Man and Woman of the Year Gala in honor of one of my best friend’s daughters who was the girl of the year. She was diagnosed last year and I’m constantly amazed at the strength their family has had during their journey and the amazing community of support that has been around them. It was a great night, and over $450,000 was raised to help fight for a cure.


Todd’s nephew graduated from high school in the middle of the month. It’s hard to believe he was the ring bearer in our wedding almost 14 years ago. Where does the time go?! The same week, Carter had his preschool graduation. He is so excited to go off to Kindergarten this fall, but he will miss all of his friends and teachers from the center he’s been at since he was born.


Over Memorial Day weekend, we enjoyed a visit to the Des Moines Farmer’s Market. If you’re ever in Des Moines in the late spring through fall, it’s a must do! Since it was a holiday weekend and the weather was gorgeous, it was packed. After getting our food on, we took a walk on the river walk where Carter promptly found a good hill to roll down.


After getting rained out on Mother’s Day weekend, we had our first baseball game of the season a few weeks late. Of course we were one of the last parents to pick up jerseys, so Carter ended up with one just a wee bit too big. Luckily he didn’t seem to mind.


We rounded out the long weekend by taking a ride out to Raccoon River Park, which isn’t far from where we live. I got a new bike about 2 months ago and this was the first time I had the bike carrier on it. I have a feeling this is the last summer Carter will want to ride in the back rather than riding his own bike.


After injuring my calf back in April, I had to take about 4 weeks off from much physical activity. I missed my regular kick boxing workouts at Farrell’s, so I’m happy to back at it now. I also tried yoga for the first time. One of the gals on my team who teaches yoga on the side decided to lead a weekly yoga class for us on one of our green spaces outside of our building. Just one more way to enjoy our amazing spring and early summer weather before it gets too hot!


As for projects, I made a custom recipe box using wood branding letters.

Wood Burning Stamped Custom Recipe Box

My other project was turning some vintage clip-on earrings of my late grandmother-in-law into pierced earrings. I’m excited about the possibilities of what I could do to refashion some of her other pieces.

turn clip-on earrings to post earrings

Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram. I’m most often posting there when we’re busy living our life to the fullest! I’ve already started working on a few new projects for June, so stay tuned for some DIY jewelry tutorials, handmade baby gifts, and maybe a home improvement project. See you soon!

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