My Friday Five – December Already?

My Friday Five – December Already?

It’s been a while since I’ve done a Friday Five post. November was pretty much a whirlwind with birthday celebrations, a few trips, and our busiest season at work. December has come up way too fast, but I’m embracing it and jumping right into the holiday spirit, even though it’s a bit shocking that it’s upon us already! I got an email yesterday from a retailer that had a subject line of “last minute gift ideas”. What?! It’s the first week of Dec. Hold up the truck people, we don’t need that kind of pressure already!

1 | The Celebration Continues – Three of my other friends from college also turned 40 in Nov. I decided to plan a night out with our sorority sisters to celebrate. Many of us don’t get to see each other very often, so it was a great excuse for a girls night out to catch up! Here are my two besties and I that night. Love these ladies to pieces! At some point I’ll write a post about how I feel being 40. The short of it is – I feel pretty good, and I’m going to celebrate it all year long! I’m not having a mid life crisis by any means, but I think I am having a bit of an awakening, and it’s a good time for reflection on how I want the next half (and hopefully more) of my life to go.



2 | Thankful for the Little Things – We had a really nice Thanksgiving with Todd’s mom’s family this year. Lots of great food and it was nice to spend time with some of his cousins on his mom’s side and their kids. Carter brought home this little note from school right before the break. He’s had a bit of fear of the dark lately, and this was so very sweet. He’ll be getting a brighter night light for Christmas!



3 | He’s Back, Back Again – Our elf Chippy made his first appearance of the year on Dec. 1st. He brought Carter a LEGO advent calendar. We are generally pretty lazy Elf on the Shelf parents and just move the little guy from place to place (which is hard enough to remember!). Last year my mom made him a few props though and this year she outdid herself with a whole pack of things she dropped off all pre-prepped for us. Life saver! I’ll write a post about it this weekend. In the meantime you can always check out my 2 Minute Elf on the Shelf ideas or How to Host an Elf on The Shelf Exchange if you need to simplify your life as an elf parent.



4 | It’s Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas – we bit the bullet and bought a new tree this year. After 12 years our previous one was no longer a “pre-lit” tree since so few of the lights still worked and we had to string separate lights on it anyway. There was a 50% off coupon for Michael’s last weekend, so I scored a great deal! I finally got the ornaments put on last night and I’ll get the rest of the decorations up this weekend.



5 | Back on Track – I’ve been on a bit of a hiatus this year from blogging and projects due to work and other commitments, but the last several weeks, I’ve been trying to set aside more time to be creative and write about it. If you’ve missed these recent posts, check them out.

Slow Cooker Bacon BBQ Chicken

BBQ Chicken and Bacon Totchos

Thanksgiving Pinterest Fails

Upcycled Sweater Crafts

Cookie Decorating Made Easy

20+ Handmade Gifts Guys will Actually Like


Whatever you’re up to this weekend, I hope it’s a good one! We have a kids holiday party for Carter at my office and then I’m doing the Escape Chamber with some friends. Wish us luck! I need to get organized with shopping and get to it (likely from the comfort of my couch and a few small businesses in the area).

Linked Up At: Five On Friday; High Five for Friday; Oh, Hey Friday

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