Quick and Easy Holiday Card Organization

Quick and Easy Holiday Card Organization

Try this quick and easy holiday card organization idea to make a keepsake flip book from your annual holiday cards. 

Easy Holiday Card Organization
What do you do with all the holiday cards you receive each year? In year’s past, I put them into a holiday basket and packed them away with the rest of Christmas decorations. This year I decided to do a little holiday card organization project and put them into a little mini book. Start to finish this took less than a half hour.


Easy Holiday Card Organization
During the holidays I love going to the mailbox to see all the holiday cards that family and friends send to us. It’s nice to see their kids and hear about what’s going on in their lives if we haven’t seen some of them in a while. I know a lot of people think holiday cards are unnecessary now that sharing of photos and day-to-day life is with social media. I’m sure the tradition will go by the way-side some day, but for now I still enjoy receiving (and sending) them. It doesn’t seem right throwing them away after the holidays are over.

During the holidays I display them on this Christmas tree shaped card holder.


This year, I was trying to figure out something else I could do with them besides throwing them into the basket with the cards from the last several years. I came up with a simple solution to create a mini flip book of them held together by a loose leaf ring clip.

Supplies: All you need is a loose leaf ring clip and a single hole punch.

(Some supplies links may be linking to affiliate links on amazon.com.)

I started with over 100 cards in varying sizes.


I sorted them by size and then punched a hole in top left corner of each one, trying not to punch a hole over anyone’s face.


Finally I slipped them all onto the ring clip with the largest ones on the bottom. That’s it!

Easy Holiday Card Organization

I’ve sorted most of my cards from previous years together and by size, but I only had one ring clip, so I need to buy more. In terms of organization project, there are definitely others that should by a higher priority on my list, but this one was satisfying to find a solution for and feel like I accomplished something in a short time frame.

Now on to my real photo organizing project – making my annual photo book for 2013. I followed the method I started last year for organizing and archiving my digital photos. Now I just need to make my book (oh, and try to do the ones for 2000-2011, baby steps!).


  1. Thanks! I’ve had it for 3 or 4 years. I think I ordered it from Home Decorators Collections, but it doesn’t look like they sell it anymore.

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