My Friday Five: Spring Break

My Friday Five: Spring Break

Welcome to Friday! This week was Spring Break for us. No major trips on our end this year, but we did manage to take a long weekend trip to Minneapolis, then Todd and I both had a bit of work travel this week. Carter enjoyed field trips with the school program. In fact, he’s home with us today and he actually begged to go. Sorry buddy, you’re home with boring old mom and dad today! Here are some highlights from our week.

1 | Everything’s Bigger in…. Minneapolis? Okay, maybe just the Mall of America! We stayed across the street from the MOA. After a quick check in to the hotel, we went to Nickelodeon Universe, an amusement park right in the middle of the Mall. The lines weren’t long, so we spent a few hours riding roller coasters and their other rides. Luckily Carter is tall enough to ride all the rides and with lines fairly short, we could keep an eye on him while he stood in line for rides that spin around. As adults neither Todd or I can handle those anymore. #officiallyold

MOA - Nickelodeon Universe

The next morning we woke up and did a zip line and ropes course, also in Nickelodeon Universe. Unfortunately you can’t have cameras on either, so I didn’t get to capture the great shots of Carter waving at all the people below from the zip line – and his huge smile!

2 | Frozen Fractles All Around – after our indoor adventures, we went to Minnehaha Falls on the recommendation from one of my co-workers. It was a gorgeous 65+ degree day, we we loved seeing the half frozen falls and exploring all the creek beds on our hike. We spent a few hours climbing over fallen trees and skipping rocks. If you’re ever in the Minneapolis area, I highly recommend a trip to this beautiful park! I’m sure it’s even more gorgeous later in the spring and through the summer and fall.

Minnehaha falls - Minneapolis, MN

Minnehaha falls - Minneapolis, MN


3 | IKEA or Bust – Last but not least we took my first ever trip to IKEA! We didn’t have a lot of time, so I had to speed walk through most of it. If you can believe it, I actually didn’t buy anything. Knowing we are likely to buy a new house in the coming months, I’m trying not to buy too much new stuff for this house. Tempting though!

IKEA Kitchen

IKEA Bedroom

IKEA Lights


Just as I thought we were almost at the end, I landed in the giant warehouse, which was a sight unto itself!

IKEA Warehouse

4 | Luck O The Irish
– Carter doesn’t have much green in his wardrobe, so I decided to make him a St. Paddy’s Day shirt. He came home mostly happy that he didn’t get pinched all day. I was gone yesterday for work, so I haven’t been able to get a picture of him in it yet.

Luck T-Shirt - use criss cross arrow design to make a themed shirt for St. Patrick's Day or showcase your favorite four letter word!

5 | Lonely Skies?
No St. Patrick’s Day revelry for me I’m afraid. I had a quick in and out trip to Chicago yesterday. Very poor planning on my part since Chicago is a great city to be in for St. Patrick’s Day, and I was pretty much in the airport vicinity all day. My morning flight was interesting. Generally it’s a pretty small regional plane from Des Moines to Chicago, but for some reason we had a much larger plane and it was barely full. I was the only person in the 5 rows around me. #notcomplaining



We finally have our tax appointment today (wish us luck!), and then we have a lot of odds and ends to do before a busy April ahead. Whatever you’re up to this weekend, I hope you enjoy!

Linked Up At: High Five for Friday; Five on Friday

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