I fully intended to get this post up on the last day of May, but the fact that I’m a few days late is pretty much how everything is going lately. May has seemed especially busy. My job is a bit crazy right now, Carter has been finishing up soccer, lots of graduations and family obligations. All good stuff, just so much to do, not enough hours in the day.
We’ve had such up and down weather in the midwest so far this spring, a few nice days here and there but mostly rain and cooler temps. We’ve tried to enjoy the nice days to the fullest.
We made it down to the Des Moines farmer’s market early in May (photo on the left). It’s one of my favorite things about summer in Des Moines. It covers several blocks and is brimming with people, food, fresh produce, and handmade goods. The lilacs in our yard are in full bloom and smell amazing (right).
Carter’s first attempt at organized sports has been interesting. There were a lot of tears shed and fits thrown as he didn’t understand during the games why the other kids weren’t sharing. As a first and so far only child and only being 4, it makes sense that he doesn’t really understand team/competitive sports yet and he’s taught for the most part to take turns and share. I’m happy to report that the final week (out of 7) we finally got through a game with no tears and he actually seemed to have fun. Here he is with his participation medal. The photo on the right is from the Valley Junction farmer’s market. They had a Public Works night where they had all the trucks out for the kids to climb in and check out – a 4 year old boy’s heaven!
Project-wise I’ve done a few more home improvement projects than craft projects this month with staining my honey oak trim darker and updating my mantel.
It felt good to finally get my monogram mantel gallery project done. I finished one final “H” for it which was this Aged Paint Letter.
Finally, a few posts in prep for Father’s Day with a flashback of the photo gift I did last year as well as a survival cord bracelet tutorial.
My goals for June are to get all (or most) of my final kitchen projects done, figure out what to do for a Father’s Day gift, catch up on my photo organizing, and most of all hopefully enjoy some time outside with the family if the weather ever decides to cooperate!
Some really cute ideas. Love the foot one!
Wonderful post…I like your blog.^^
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let me know follow you then back.
Lovely greets nessa